Paleo Challenge


1. It is a $100 buy-in, if you attended the Whole 9 Seminar you are in. First place wins an IPad2 and bragging rights.

2. You will be judged according to body composition improvement, physical performance, ability to stick to the program (Whole 30), Whole 30 experience summary (written and submitted document that will be shared anonymously.) The winner will be determined by a secret ballot at the end of the challenge.

3. Body composition will be judged using the same bodyweight/body fat percentage scale we are getting for the box. (Not your scale at home). You will have from Monday, May 23rd, up to and including Wednesday, May 25, to be measured. After Monday, you will not be included in the Challenge if you did not put your money in. If you haven't submitted your before picture (digital), been weighed in, gotten measured, or picked up your Whole 30 Packet by Wednesday you will be disqualified from the challenge.

4. You must keep a Food and WOD log for the entire 30 day challenge. Failure to maintain and submit the logs at the end of the challenge will be reason for disqualification. The more detailed these logs are, the better your experience will be. Write down everything, from time you ate, to how much you ate, to how you felt after eating. Make this a habit that you will continue indefinitely. Do the same thing with your WOD log, highlight PRs, write down everything from buy in to cash out and try to get stronger every day.

**These are general guidelines, the more you put into this will inevitably equal you getting more out of it. Change your life starting with your Whole 30 Challenge.

**Post all Paleo Challenge related questions here and we will answer them here.


  1. Is coconut water okay, or is that considered fruit juice?

  2. CrossFit Ewa BeachMay 24, 2011 at 11:10 AM

    From what we read on whole 9 guide coconut water contains a lot of sugar, granted it is "natural" it is still sugar so limit your intake.

  3. What was included in the whole packet 30?
